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Family with a dog

The concept of home

So far, your child sees home as the place where they lives with their mom and dad - however, it is the perfect time to discover more experiences together by learning that the home is also a place where they can feel safe. You can do this by first picking out your favorite animals and then asking each animal to fit their nest. Finally, have your child tell stories about their pets and their own homes!

Choosing the right animals

Ask your child to tell you which animals they loves the most. Then go online and print photos of these animals, as well as photos of their wildlife, and paste these photos onto cardboard cards. It is important that the child chooses their favorite animals, as this will keep them interested in the activity.

Mixing and matching!

Spread the photos with the nests of each animal in front of your little one and then show them the photo of one of the animals they have chosen. "Where's the little bird, sweetie?" Let your child find it, giving them some help, if needed, such as "Birds like to stay somewhere high, with lots of leaves!"

Story time!

As the child searches and matches the photos, ask them to tell stories about the most impressive animal houses. Ask them to tell you how they thinks animals are turning their nests into beautiful homes. Allow your child's imagination to gallop, but hold back sometimes by reporting some fun or interesting facts about so many different animal nests.

Once playing is over, applaud your child as warmly as possible to show them how proud you feel - and to let them know that they will always find so much love in their home! Then take a photo with the animal cards and share these photos with us!